Hi, You are welcome to our homepage!!!
This homepage is dedicated to basenji Masha (Strong Stae Dea Angella) and basenjies at all. 
They are in my life from year 2004 . Basenji is magnificent and selfstanding, but very faithful. It is a most ancient and unique breed, highly intelligent and not the easiest of breeds to obedience train. Her activities are directed by instincts and curiosity. The Basenji is a challenge, a totally different dog - elegant but sturdy, friendly and always ready for a game. It is not possible to conquer the basenji, you just have to learn to live with her.Other way it is not possible...and one day you want another basenji and then another one and so on...Once you have owned a Basenji, an ordinary dog just will not do. In our life I am background of Masha power. My name is Tiina Tootma . I am a veterinarian. My proffession choice was easy, my both parents where veterinarians too. I am from small countryplace in South-EstoniaAnimals where allways surrounding me. We have allways had a dog, sometimes breed dog, sometimes mixed breed dog.. And a numbers of our dogs and cats came from animal shelters or streets. I remember all of them., it does not matter how long did they live. If Masha came into my life I got a new „real“ hobby- dogs. Thanks for Masha I have met a lot of new people and took part of different dog exhibitions, trainings and running competitions.
In the beginning of 2007 we decided to go forward under kennel name „SOLEBAS“.The name comes from the sun and basenji - I need they both in my life. Solebas objectives are to support and help basenjies in cooperation with other basenji- people and organisationes.I am member of : Estonian Kennel Union Estonian Sighthound UnionRegional Society of Pärnu Estonian Small Animal Veterinary Association With my best wishesTiina Tootmaa PS. I hope you will enjoy the visit in our homepage. If you would like to know more, your questions are welcome.